Int J Cardiol :贫血可预测心衰患者健康相关生活质量

2013-04-23 Int J Cardiol 丁香园

贫血是心力衰竭患者常见的合并症之一。临床实践中,有些心衰患者轻度贫血的化验结果似乎千篇一律,患者的临床表现也好似不脱巢臼,以至进一步诊断常常被忽视 这种对贫血的认识不足在几年前一项观察性研究中展现地淋漓尽致。在3.5年的随访后,研究的2000多名患有心衰的门诊病人中,有29%患者出现贫血,其中仅11%心衰患者的贫血由内科医生诊断出,而心脏医生只诊断出了4.4%。此外,这些患者中只有6%得到了进一



这种忽视也许可以用人们对心力衰竭的病理生理学逻辑和临床预期来解释。确实,液体潴留也许可以解释血液稀释和运动耐量降低,且呼吸困难和疲乏显然是心力衰竭的主要症状,这些都会掩盖贫血的类似症状。甚至血液变稀带来的流力学改善也可能减轻衰弱心脏的负担。虽然如此,欧洲和美国心脏学领域的心衰相关指南直至近些年才对贫血进行详细介绍,这点依然让人费解。直到2000年后,Donald Silverberg发表了几篇里程碑性的文章,阐明了贫血在心衰中的临床和流行病的联系,此后,人们才对心衰中的贫血有了新的临床认识,并对其开始更加全面的病理生理学和流行病学检查。因此,关于贫血在心力衰竭中预后及临床意义的大量证据主要源自于近十年来该领域如火如荼的研究结果。这些研究结果证实,贫血是急性、慢性以及射血分数正常或减小的心力衰竭的一种严重并发症,可能预示着死亡率和发病率的提高。

在最近一期的《国际心脏病学杂志》上,Kraai及其同事发表了一篇关于贫血对住院心衰患者健康相关生活质量(HR-QoL)影响的文章。他们发现贫血程度和HR-QoL的关键组分之间存在逐步联系。其中,贫血程度与患者体能、躯体功能及患者对自身整体健康和幸福水平的自我认知之间的相关性格外显著。他们证实并推广了一幅新兴图景:贫血是心力衰竭带来的一个相关问题,并会加重患者的心衰症状。有趣的是,HR-QoL的普适评价工具(如RAND 36条健康量表1.0和“坎特里尔生活阶梯”)可以显示贫血的这种临床影响,但专用于心衰患者的明尼苏达生活质量分数(MLHFQ)却无法检测到。两种评价方法结果不一致的原因尚未阐明,但这却让我们不由质疑,虽然MLHFQ评价方法在其他方面已经验证有效,但它在Kraai及其同事研究的这类患者人群中的灵敏度和适用性究竟如何?此外,心力衰竭和贫血在临床症状上的部分重叠可能掩盖了贫血给心衰患者带来的附加效应。





Anaemia predicts health related quality of life in heart failure patients.
Anaemia is a very common comorbidity in patients with heart failure. In fact, lab results showing some mild anaemia in a patient with heart failure seemed such a regular observation and well within the expected picture of clinical presentation that further diagnostic workup was often overlooked.

This lack of recognition was impressively illustrated some years ago from an observational study in more than 2000 ambulatory patients with heart failure. During a 3.5year follow up, 29% of the patients developed anaemia, yet anaemia was diagnosed in only 11% of the patients by internists and in a mere 4.4% of the cases by cardiologists [1]. Moreover, only 6% of these patients received further diagnostic workup.

Pathophysiologic reasoning and clinical expectations in heart failure may to some degree explain this unawareness. Indeed, fluid retention may be accepted to explain haemodilution and exercise limitation, dyspnoea and fatigue are of course cardinal symptoms of heart failure and may easily overlie similar symptoms from anaemia. Even some beneficial effects due to improved rheology of the thinner blood was discussed to alleviate the strain of the weaker heart. It is nevertheless surprising that anaemia was not addressed in more detail in the relevant guidelines for heart failure of the European or American cardiac societies until the early years of this millennium. Clinical awareness and a more thorough pathophysiologic and epidemiologic workup of anaemia in heart failure only begun after the year 2000 after several landmark publications on the clinical and epidemiologic relevance of anaemia in heart failure by Donald Silverberg [2]. Hence, the substantial body of evidence on prognostic and clinical implications of anaemia in heart failure results from the last decade of intensified investigations into the subject. From these studies it has clearly been established that anaemia is a serious complication in acute and chronic heart failure as well as in heart failure with preserved or reduced ejection fraction that indicates increased mortality and morbidity [3], [4], [5], [6], [7].

In a recent issue of the Journal, Kraai et al. report on the impact of anaemia on health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) in hospitalised patients with heart failure. They find a stepwise association of the degree of anaemia with key domains of health-related quality of life, particularly addressing the physical capacity and functioning and self-perception of general health and well-being [8]. They confirm and extend the emerging picture of anaemia as a relevant problem in heart failure that adds to the symptomatic status of the patients. Interestingly, this clinical impact of anaemia was shown with generic instruments for assessment of HR-QoL such as the RAND 36-item Health Survey 1.0 and the Cantril Ladder of Life. By contrast, the heart failure specific Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) was unable to detect this additional impact of anaemia. The reasons for this unexpected discrepancy are not clear but raise the question of the sensitivity and applicability of the otherwise validated MLHFQ in the context of a patient population as studied by Kraai et al. It seems that the overlap of clinical symptoms of heart failure and of anaemia may mask the additional effect attributable to anaemia.

The results of this study also fuel the ongoing discussion on applicability of the limits for haemoglobin levels currently used to identify anaemia. According to the definition of the World Health Organisation (WHO) haemoglobin levels below 12g/dl for women and below 13g/dl for men define the presence of anaemia [9]. Different cut off levels but also different criteria such as the haematocrit have been used in various studies to define anaemia and this may, beside truly disease related factors, contribute to the wide variation in the prevalence of anaemia in different HF populations ranging from 9 to 61% [10]. It should be recognised that the original report from the WHO experts was not intended to address the issue of anaemia in this wide clinical context as applied today. The aim of the technical report from the WHO scientific group in 1968 was to describe anaemia due to nutritional deficits particularly in the environment of developing countries. While the authors recognise that it may be impossible to define normality precisely, the cut-off levels were considered to identify more than 95% of normal individuals with higher (i.e. normal) haemoglobin levels. It is obvious that neither the clinical setting of patient populations such as heart failure patients was the target for this definition where inflammatory activation and functional iron deficiency are dominant in the underlying pathophysiology of anaemia [11]. Nor have these haemoglobin levels been validated for their prognostic or symptomatic predictive power. The latter would be expected from any novel biomarker proposed today for clinical application as diagnostic or prognostic marker. In view of these points it may be timely to address the question if a more differentiating perspective on anaemia in normal populations (primary prevention), specific populations such as athletes [12] or elderly subjects [13], and in patients of varying conditions may be more appropriate, and if disease specific cut-off levels would provide even stronger information.

Another point of interest in the study by Kraai et al. is the shifting focus in heart failure research towards functional conditions and “soft” endpoints such as well-being and physical functioning. In the last 2 decades novel treatment concepts in heart failure were predominantly required to demonstrate effects on mortality and length or frequency of hospitalisation as hard and countable endpoints. Beneficial effects on physical capacity, symptomatic improvement and global well-being were, in comparison, pursued with less intensity. Noteworthy in this context, in particular iron deficiency and iron deficient anaemia have been shown to be promising treatment targets to improve functional capacity, mobility and quality of life [14]. Investigations such as the current study by Kraai et al. will help to increase the recognition of symptomatic conditions and quality of life as the decisive and relevant endpoints that they are.

作者:Int J Cardiol

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  埃亚勒· C·阿塔尔和罗伯特·P·哈塞日安(Hasserjian) 美国马萨诸塞总医院血液科和病理科等   病历报告   一例73岁女患者因骨髓增生异常综合征到本院癌症中心就诊。   大约2.5年前,她出现了劳力性呼吸困难,并在随后的6个月里加重。在本次评估的2年以前,经胸超声心动图检查显示有中度主动脉瓣狭窄。医师给予她呋塞米治疗,但(症状)几乎没有改善。静息时发生气短的的情况越来越


  由上海交通大学医学院等单位最近发布的一项研究显示,在接受促红细胞生成素(EPO)治疗的慢性肾脏病(CKD)透析贫血患者中,换用持续性促红细胞生成素受体激活剂(C.E.R.A.)进行每四周一次的皮下注射可有效维持患者的血红蛋白(Hb)水平,其疗效不逊于EPO-β治疗,且患者对于C.E.R.A皮下注射耐受良好。此研究成果发表于今年7月份的《中华内科杂志》上。     研究者为观察每四

Arthritis Res Ther:贫血为痛风新危险因素

    美国一项队列研究显示,贫血是痛风发生的一个新危险因素,其与痛风发生风险增加约1倍相关,且独立于肾功能和血尿酸盐水平。论文8月20日在线发表于《关节炎研究与治疗》(Arthritis Res Ther)杂志。     研究纳入美国4个社区的受试者15791名,随访9年,分析基线贫血状态和痛风发作风险的相关性。贫血的定义为男性血红蛋


作者:南京军区总医院  洪之武   解放军普通外科研究所  任建安        对炎性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease,IBD)患者来说,贫血是一高发生率且较严重的并发症。贫血与IBD 患者生活质量的下降和住院时间的延长相关。一直以来,临床医生普遍把贫血看做是IBD不可避免的伴随症状而未予以特殊