
2013-05-15 佚名 EGMN

  圣迭戈——伊利诺伊州北岸大学医学院的Brian T. Helfand医生在美国泌尿外科学会(AUA)2013年会上报告,在获得ICD-9勃起功能障碍诊断的男性患者中,仅有25%接受了针对这一疾病的治疗。   Helfand医生及其合作者使用IMS的数据集,识别出在截至2011年7月的12个月内获得ICD-9勃起功能障碍(ED)诊断的6,228,509例年龄超过30岁的男性患者。IMS是一个大

  圣迭戈——伊利诺伊州北岸大学医学院的Brian T. Helfand医生在美国泌尿外科学会(AUA)2013年会上报告,在获得ICD-9勃起功能障碍诊断的男性患者中,仅有25%接受了针对这一疾病的治疗。





  Helfand医生报告称无相关利益冲突。合著者之一Kevin McVary医生承认担任一些医药公司的顾问或其他职务,涉及爱力根、礼来、NxThera、Watson、NeoTract和葛兰素史克公司。

Erectile dysfunction: 75% with diagnosis go untreated
SAN DIEGO – Of men given an ICD-9 diagnosis of erectile dysfunction, 25% receive any treatment for the condition.
Treatment frequency was higher in men who had low levels of testosterone (51% treated) and lower in those who had prostate cancer (15% treated). Treatment frequency did not vary significantly with other associated comorbidities, Dr. Brian T. Helfand said in a press briefing at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association.
Dr. Helfand of the department of urology at NorthShore University Health System in Evanston, Ill., and his associates used an IMS data set to identify 6,228,509 men over the age of 30 years who received an ICD-9 diagnosis of erectile dysfunction (ED) during a 12-month period that ended in July 2011. IMS is a large insurance claims data set that encompasses more than 80% of prescription data in the United States.
Men were classified as treated if they filled a prescription for a phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5) inhibitor, injection or urethral prostaglandins, or androgen replacement therapy. They were classified as untreated if they received an ED diagnosis but did not fill a prescription in the study period. The researchers monitored the therapies by prescription frequency, age, comorbidities, and physician specialty.
Among the 25% of men who filled prescriptions, PDE5 was the most commonly prescribed medication (75%), followed by androgen replacement therapy (31%). Fewer than 2% of patients used any prostaglandin therapy. "The men who were in the oldest age groups were the least likely to fill a prescription," Dr. Helfand said.
The greatest proportion of prescriptions overall were ordered by primary care physicians (28%), followed by endocrinologists (27%), and urologists (21%). The remaining 24% were ordered by various other clinicians.
Dr. Helfand said limitations of the study include the exclusion of Medicare data plus lack of information about the severity of ED, efficacy of treatments, and adherence to long-term therapy.
Dr. Ajay Nangia, who is an associate professor of urology at the University of Kansas Medical Center and the moderator of the press briefing, noted that ED is a medical disease that is often a portent of other disorders. Recognizing that men with ED go untreated may mean that they’re also possibly underinvestigated for associated condition such as diabetes, lipid disorders, and risk factors such as smoking.
Dr. Helfand said that he had no relevant financial conflicts to disclose. One of the study authors, Dr. Kevin McVary, disclosed consultant, advisory, or other roles with several companies, including Allergan, Lilly, NxThera, Watson, NeoTract, and GSK.


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美国食品和药物管理局27日批准治疗勃起功能障碍的新药Stendra(阿伐那非)。 勃起功能障碍是指男性无法勃起或维持勃起困难。估计美国有30万男性受到勃起功能障碍的影响。 Stendra是口服制剂可根据需要在患者性活动30分钟前服用。医生应按Stendra起效规定的最低剂量处方。 “此批准扩大现有治疗男性勃起功能障碍方案的选择,使患者通过向医生咨询选择他们需要的最适当的治疗。”,FDA药物评