BMC PEDIATR:乳糜泻与婴儿感染有关

2012-12-21 BMC PEDIATR 国际医学期刊 佚名

  瑞典Umea大学的Anna Myleus博士及其同事发现,2岁以下婴幼儿的感染可能与乳糜泻风险增加有关。这项研究发表在BMC PEDIATR杂志12月19日在线版上。   “这项研究提示,幼儿时期反复发生感染会增加今后罹患乳糜泻的风险。而且我们发现,幼儿时期感染与每日麸质摄入量之间存在协同效应,在开始摄入麸质之前已停止母乳喂养的婴幼儿中这一现象尤其明显。”   据研究者介绍,19

  瑞典Umea大学的Anna Myleus博士及其同事发现,2岁以下婴幼儿的感染可能与乳糜泻风险增加有关。这项研究发表在BMC PEDIATR杂志12月19日在线版上。









Early infections are associated with increased risk for celiac disease: an incident case-referent study


Celiac disease is defined as a 'chronic small intestinal immune-mediated enteropathy precipitated by exposure to dietary gluten in genetically predisposed individuals'. Sweden has experienced an "epidemic" of celiac disease in children below two years of age. Celiac disease etiology is considered multifactorial; however, little is known regarding potential risk- or protecting factors. We present data on the possible association between early infectious episodes and celiac disease, including their possible contribution to the Swedish celiac disease epidemic.


A population-based incident case-referent study (475 cases, 950 referents) with exposure information obtained via a questionnaire (including family characteristics, infant feeding, and the child's general health) was performed. Celiac disease cases were diagnosed before two years of age, fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Referents were randomly selected from the national population register after fulfilling matching criteria. The final analyses included 954 children, 373 (79%) cases and 581 (61%) referents, with complete information on main variables of interest in a matched set of one case with one or two referents.


Having three or more parental-reported infectious episodes, regardless of type of infection, during the first six months of life was associated with a significantly increased risk for later celiac disease, and this remained after adjusting for infant feeding and socioeconomic status (odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-2.0; P=0.014). The celiac disease risk increased synergistically if, in addition to having several infectious episodes, infants were introduced to dietary gluten in large amounts, compared to small or medium amounts, after breastfeeding was discontinued (OR 5.6; 95% CI, 3.1-10; P<0.001).


This study suggests that having repeated infectious episodes early in life increases the risk for later celiac disease. In addition, we found a synergistic effect between early infections and daily amount of gluten intake, more pronounced among infants for whom breastfeeding had been discontinued prior to gluten introduction. Regarding contribution to the Swedish celiac disease epidemic, which partly was attributed to concurrent changes in infant feeding, early infections probably made a minor contribution via the synergistic effect with gluten amount.



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Am J Hematol:乳糜泻病人更可能患上淋巴细胞增生性疾病

根据一项发表在2012年8月那期American Journal of Hematology期刊上的研究,患有乳糜泻(celiac disease)的病人,特别是那些在生命后期患上吸收不良症(malabsorption symptom)那些病人,有更高的淋巴增生性疾病(lymphoproliferative disorder, LPD)发生率。 来自美国哥伦比亚大学医学中心的Lori A. Le