LANCET NEUROL:苍白球刺激治疗原发性肌张力障碍


  原发性肌张力障碍的严重型很难用药物控制。一个多中心对照研究证实了苍白球神经刺激对原发性全身性或局灶性肌张力患者的安全性和有效性。德国科尔的Christian-Albrechts大学神经科的Jens Volkmann博士等人对这项研究的研究对象延长随访时间5年发现:延长随访时间的结果依然支持苍白球刺激治疗严重原发性肌张力障碍的安全性和有效性,可推荐作为药物治疗效果不佳的严重全身性或局灶性肌张力障

  原发性肌张力障碍的严重型很难用药物控制。一个多中心对照研究证实了苍白球神经刺激对原发性全身性或局灶性肌张力患者的安全性和有效性。德国科尔的Christian-Albrechts大学神经科的Jens Volkmann博士等人对这项研究的研究对象延长随访时间5年发现:延长随访时间的结果依然支持苍白球刺激治疗严重原发性肌张力障碍的安全性和有效性,可推荐作为药物治疗效果不佳的严重全身性或局灶性肌张力障碍患者的一线治疗。相关论文发表在Lancet Neurology杂志2012年12月刊上。


  将意向性治疗分析纳入了原来研究中的所有患者,结果显示:相较基线,在第3年和第5年随访时肌张力障碍严重程度获得改善,治疗后6个月为20.8 分 (SD:17.1%~47.9%;n=40),治疗后3年为26.5分(19.7%~61.1%;n=31) ;在术后5年为25·1分 (21.3%~57.8%;n=32)。治疗后6个月到治疗后3年获得显著改善5.7分 (SD:8.4%~34%),改善效果持续到第5年随访。这种新发不良事件在治疗后6个月到治疗后5年这段期间出现。构音障碍和肌张力障碍暂时加重是最常见的非严重不良反应事件。21件不良反应事件评级为严重,基本都是纯设备相关的。一位患者在治疗6个月的随访后不久的抑郁期试图自杀。所有的严重不良反应事件均治愈,不留永久性后遗症。


Pallidal deep brain stimulation in patients with primary generalised or segmental dystonia: 5-year follow-up of a randomised trial


Severe forms of primary dystonia are difficult to manage medically. We assessed the safety and efficacy of pallidal neurostimulation in patients with primary generalised or segmental dystonia prospectively followed up for 5 years in a controlled multicentre trial.


In the parent trial, 40 patients were randomly assigned to either sham neurostimulation or neurostimulation of the internal globus pallidus for a period of 3 months and thereafter all patients completed 6 months of active neurostimulation. 38 patients agreed to be followed up annually after the activation of neurostimulation, including assessments of dystonia severity, pain, disability, and quality of life. The primary endpoint of the 5-year follow-up study extension was the change in dystonia severity at 3 years and 5 years as assessed by open-label ratings of the Burke—Fahn—Marsden dystonia rating scale (BFMDRS) motor score compared with the preoperative baseline and the 6-month visit. The primary endpoint was analysed on an intention-to-treat basis. The original trial is registered with (NCT00142259).


An intention-to-treat analysis including all patients from the parent trial showed significant improvements in dystonia severity at 3 years and 5 years compared with baseline, which corresponded to −20·8 points (SD 17·1; −47·9%; n=40) at 6 months; −26·5 points (19·7; −61·1%; n=31) at 3 years; and −25·1 points (21·3; −57·8%; n=32). The improvement from 6 months to 3 years (—5·7 points [SD 8·4]; −34%) was significant and sustained at the 5-year follow-up (—4·3 [10·4]). 49 new adverse events occurred between 6 months and 5 years. Dysarthria and transient worsening of dystonia were the most common non-serious adverse events. 21 adverse events were rated serious and were almost exclusively device related. One patient attempted suicide shortly after the 6-month visit during a depressive episode. All serious adverse events resolved without permanent sequelae.


3 years and 5 years after surgery, pallidal neurostimulation continues to be an effective and relatively safe treatment option for patients with severe idiopathic dystonia. This long-term observation provides further evidence in favour of pallidal neurostimulation as a first-line treatment for patients with medically intractable, segmental, or generalised dystonia.



评论区 (9)
  1. 2021-07-25 小小医者

    #深部神经电刺激#这是2012年的文章,虽然很老,但是,这仍然是一个新的方向。通过刺激#迷走神经#,以及大脑中核团,可能会获得很多疾病的治疗效果。 下一步应该还会研究不同的刺激频率,从而产生拮抗和刺激两种不同的信号,而不象现在往往是刺激或#交感神经节损毁#这么简单粗暴


  2. 2013-09-06 howi