Age Ageing:老年人有“心”病易伤“脑”

2012-12-07 程蓓 编译 Age Ageing

  英国一项基于人群的队列研究显示,老年人心血管风险的增加可能与其认知功能的加速衰退相关。论文11月25日在线发表于《年龄与衰老》(Age Ageing)杂志。   研究纳入英国老龄化纵向研究中的老年人。临床转归指标包括总体认知、记忆和执行功能。结果显示,在随访4年时,与弗雷明汉卒中危险评分(FSR)较低的四分位者相比,FSR最高四分位者的总体认知、记忆和执行功能得分较低。研究对象的收

  英国一项基于人群的队列研究显示,老年人心血管风险的增加可能与其认知功能的加速衰退相关。论文11月25日在线发表于《年龄与衰老》(Age Ageing)杂志。

  研究纳入英国老龄化纵向研究中的老年人。临床转归指标包括总体认知、记忆和执行功能。结果显示,在随访4年时,与弗雷明汉卒中危险评分(FSR)较低的四分位者相比,FSR最高四分位者的总体认知、记忆和执行功能得分较低。研究对象的收缩压≥160 mmHg与随访8年时其总体认知和特殊记忆得分较低相关。吸烟与上述3种认知功能转归较差持续相关。

the objective of the present study was to explore the association between cardiovascular risk and cognitive decline in adults aged 50 and over.
participants were older adults who participated in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Outcome measures included standardised z-scores for global cognition, memory and executive functioning. Associations between cardiovascular risk factors and 10-year Framingham risk scores with cognitive outcomes at 4-year and 8-year follow-ups were estimated.
the mean age of participants (n = 8,780) at 2004–05 survey was 66.93 and 55% were females. Participants in the highest quartile of Framingham stroke risk score (FSR) had lower global cognition (b = 0.73,CI: 1.37, 0.10), memory (b = 0.56, CI: 0.99, 0.12) and executive (b = 0.37, CI: 0.74, 0.01) scores at 4-year follow-up compared with those in the lower quartile. Systolic blood pressure ≥160 mmHg at 1998–2001 survey was associated with lower global cognitive (b = 1.26, CI: 2.52, 0.01) and specific memory (b = 1.16, CI: 1.94, 0.37) scores at 8-year follow-up. Smoking was consistently associated with lower performance on all three cognitive outcomes.
elevated cardiovascular risk may be associated with accelerated decline in cognitive functioning in the elderly. Future intervention studies may be better focused on overall risk rather than individual risk factor levels.

作者:程蓓 编译




12月12日,国际著名杂志《美国医学会杂志》The Journal of the American Medical Association刊登了一项基于人群的回顾性队列研究成果“ADHD Medications and Risk of Serious Cardiovascular Events in Young and Middle-aged Adults。”,这项研究表明用于治疗注意力缺陷/多动


  《柳叶刀》(Lancet)杂志6月19日在线发表的一项研究显示,慢性肾病(CKD)患者发生心肌梗死(MI)的风险与糖尿病患者一样高,并且前者的死亡风险甚至更高(Lancet 2012 June 19 [doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60572-8])。     这项研究由加拿大阿尔伯塔大学医学和公共卫生学系的Marcello Tonelli博士及其同事进行,


       6月20日在《美国医学会杂志》上发表的一项研究显示,用新血脂标志物代替传统胆固醇测定或在后者基础上加测新血脂标志物,并不能提高预测心血管风险的能力,全文请见Lipid-RelatedMarkers and Cardiovascular Disease Prediction.pdf。        总