Am J Psychiatry:围产期补充胆碱或减少孩子患精神分裂症风险

2013-03-19 文馨 编译 医学论坛网

  日前,《美国精神病学杂志》(Am J Psychiatry)上发表的一项随机安慰剂对照研究发现,新生儿的(大脑)抑制发育延迟与随着孩子发育成熟而发生的注意力问题有关。即使存在延迟大脑抑制发育的基因变异,围产期补充胆碱也能激活大脑抑制的及时发育。   大脑抑制不足是一种病理生理性大脑缺陷,这种缺陷与精神分裂症和其他精神障碍患者感觉门控和注意力较差有关。大脑抑制发育于围

  日前,《美国精神病学杂志》(Am J Psychiatry)上发表的一项随机安慰剂对照研究发现,新生儿的(大脑)抑制发育延迟与随着孩子发育成熟而发生的注意力问题有关。即使存在延迟大脑抑制发育的基因变异,围产期补充胆碱也能激活大脑抑制的及时发育。



  结果,未观察到胆碱对产妇的健康、分娩、婴儿的出生或发育(造成)不良影响。出生后第五周,与安慰剂治疗组婴儿相比,胆碱治疗组婴儿的P50反应更多地受到了抑制(76%VS. 43%)(疗效值=0.7)。产后第13周时两组间无差异。在安慰剂治疗组而非胆碱治疗组中,与精神分裂症相关的CHRNA7基因型与P50抑制减少有关。


Perinatal Choline Effects on Neonatal Pathophysiology Related to Later Schizophrenia Risk


Deficient cerebral inhibition is a pathophysiological brain deficit related to poor sensory gating and attention in schizophrenia and other disorders. Cerebral inhibition develops perinatally, influenced by genetic and in utero factors. Amniotic choline activates fetal α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and facilitates development of cerebral inhibition. Increasing this activation may protect infants from future illness by promoting normal brain development. The authors investigated the effects of perinatal choline supplementation on the development of cerebral inhibition in human infants.


A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial of dietary phosphatidylcholine supplementation was conducted with 100 healthy pregnant women, starting in the second trimester. Supplementation to twice normal dietary levels for mother or newborn continued through the third postnatal month. All women received dietary advice regardless of treatment. Infants’ electrophysiological recordings of inhibition of the P50 component of the cerebral evoked response to paired sounds were analyzed. The criterion for inhibition was suppression of the amplitude of the second P50 response by at least half, compared with the first response.


No adverse effects of choline were observed in maternal health and delivery, birth, or infant development. At the fifth postnatal week, the P50 response was suppressed in more choline-treated infants (76%) compared with placebo-treated infants (43%) (effect size=0.7). There was no difference at the 13th week. A CHRNA7 genotype associated with schizophrenia was correlated with diminished P50 inhibition in the placebo-treated infants, but not in the choline-treated infants.


Neonatal developmental delay in inhibition is associated with attentional problems as the child matures. Perinatal choline activates timely development of cerebral inhibition, even in the presence of gene mutations that otherwise delay it.


作者:文馨 编译

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       欧洲药物管理局(EMA)的一个顾问组建议批准洛沙平(Adasuve,英国Alexa有限公司)用于双相障碍或精神分裂症成年患者快速控制躁动。        周四,欧洲人用药品委员会宣布正式通过了有关该药的正面意见,并建议授予其上市许可权。        &n


  中新社多伦多3月7日电 最新研究发现﹐加拿大或是精神分裂症的温床,患者愈来愈多﹐发病率高于全球平均数两倍多。研究人员说﹐加拿大以移民立国﹐阳光不足﹐可能是发病因素。   研究报告作者、加拿大皇后大学精神病学家迪尔伯多说﹐人们患上精神分裂症﹐理论上是维生素D不足﹐北纬地区阳光不足﹐是很普遍的现象。而另一个可能原因是加拿大移民多﹐他们初到加拿大,面对压力有更大的精神分裂风险。   迪尔伯多指出


上海交大特别研究员、Bio-X研究院李卫东博士与美国加州大学洛杉矶分校、约翰霍普金斯大学等校合作,日前在神经科学顶级期刊Neuron杂志上发表学术论文,揭示精神分裂症的基因对人大脑的影响机制。这一发现将为医学界通过基因治疗,改善大脑特殊区域基因缺失引发的认知和情感障碍提供一种新的途径。 精神分裂症是最严重的精神疾病,病因迄今尚未阐明。遗传因素被视为最主要的致病因素。其中,Disrupted-in