
2012-03-09 MedSci MedSci原创

近日,Journal of Clinical Investigation杂志发表的一项研究结果证实,一种重要的免疫细胞可以在人类扁桃体中生成。这类细胞被称为T淋巴细胞或T细胞。此前,T细胞被认为只在胸腺中产生。 这项由俄亥俄州立大学综合癌症中心的研究人员开展的研究可能将提升沃恩对T细胞癌症以及自免疫疾病的理解,以及加深对干细胞移植的认识。 这项研究在人类扁桃体中确认了5个截然不同发育阶段的T细

近日,Journal of Clinical Investigation杂志发表的一项研究结果证实,一种重要的免疫细胞可以在人类扁桃体中生成。这类细胞被称为T淋巴细胞或T细胞。此前,T细胞被认为只在胸腺中产生。



该研究还发现,这些T细胞是在靠近扁桃体的纤维支架的特定区域发育的。“我们很早就知道,一个功能完好的胸腺是产生完整功能T细胞所不可缺少的,但是T细胞工厂是否存在于胸腺以外的地方一直都有争议,”研究的作者、俄亥俄州立大学综合癌症中心的Michael A. Caligiuri博士说。



“这个现象对人类健康及疾病的全部启示意义目前还不完全清楚,”研究的第一作者Susan McClory说。“这可能对T细胞癌症及自免疫疾病的发生非常重要,或者也表明当胸腺功能衰弱后扁桃体成为T细胞产生的另一个地方。我们希望进行进一步的研究来发现这些可能性。”她说。





Evidence for a stepwise program of extrathymic T cell development within the human tonsil

Susan McClory, Tiffany Hughes, Aharon G. Freud, Edward L. Briercheck, Chelsea Martin, Anthony J. Trimboli, Jianhua Yu, Xiaoli Zhang, Gustavo Leone, Gerard Nuovo andMichael A. Caligiuri

The development of a broad repertoire of T cells, which is essential for effective immune function, occurs in the thymus. Although some data suggest that T cell development can occur extrathymically, many researchers remain skeptical that extrathymic T cell development has an important role in generating the T cell repertoire in healthy individuals. However, it may be important in the setting of poor thymic function or congenital deficit and in the context of autoimmunity, cancer, or regenerative medicine. Here, we report evidence that a stepwise program of T cell development occurs within the human tonsil. We identified 5 tonsillar T cell developmental intermediates: (a) CD34+CD38dimLin– cells, which resemble multipotent progenitors in the bone marrow and thymus; (b) more mature CD34+CD38brightLin– cells; (c) CD34+CD1a+CD11c– cells, which resemble committed T cell lineage precursors in the thymus; (d) CD34CD1a+CD3CD11c cells, which resemble CD4+CD8+ double-positive T cells in the thymus; and (e) CD34CD1a+CD3+CD11c cells. The phenotype of each subset closely resembled that of its thymic counterpart. The last 4 populations expressed RAG1 and PTCRA, genes required for TCR rearrangement, and all 5 subsets were capable of ex vivo T cell differentiation. TdT+ cells found within the tonsillar fibrous scaffold expressed CD34 and/or CD1a, indicating that this distinct anatomic region contributes to pre–T cell development, as does the subcapsular region of the thymus. Thus, we provide evidence of a role for the human tonsil in a comprehensive program of extrathymic T cell development.


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