
2013-05-06 Beyond 生物谷

2型糖尿病患者,任何程度可测的尿蛋白排泄,即使是在被认为是正常范围内也会增加患者出现心脏问题的风险,据一项发表在Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN)杂志上的最新研究证实,这一发现可能有助于确定哪些人应被视为需服用心脏保护药物的患者。 有些2型糖尿病患者会出现一些肾脏问题,导致他们的尿液白蛋白排泄量增加,这种情况称为蛋白尿。这些病

2型糖尿病患者,任何程度可测的尿蛋白排泄,即使是在被认为是正常范围内也会增加患者出现心脏问题的风险,据一项发表在Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN)杂志上的最新研究证实,这一发现可能有助于确定哪些人应被视为需服用心脏保护药物的患者。


Giuseppe Remuzzi,MD说:知道是否蛋白尿水平上有差异对于区分哪些人需要心脏保护干预将是非常重要的,这是一个重大的健康问题,因为白蛋白尿不正常的糖尿病患者占糖尿病人群中至少90%以上。Remuzzi博士与Piero Ruggenenti,MD等人通过对1,208名白蛋白尿正常的2型糖尿病患者平均随访9.2年研究评估了白蛋白排泄水平与心脏问题之间的关系。



Measurable Urinary Albumin Predicts Cardiovascular Risk Among Normoalbuminuric Type 2 Diabetics

Micro- or macroalbuminuria is associated with increased cardiovascular risk factors among patients with type 2 diabetes, but whether albuminuria within the normal range predicts long-term cardiovascular risk is unknown. We evaluated the relationships between albuminuria and cardiovascular events in 1208 hypertensive, normoalbuminuric patients with type 2 diabetes from the BErgamo NEphrologic Diabetes Complication Trial (BENEDICT), all of whom received angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) therapy at the end of the trial and were followed for a median of 9.2 years. The main outcome was time to the first of fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction; stroke; coronary, carotid, or peripheral artery revascularization; or hospitalization for heart failure. Overall, 189 (15.6%) of the patients experienced a main outcome event (2.14 events/100 patient-years); 24 events were fatal. Albuminuria independently predicted events (hazard ratio [HR], 1.05; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.02–1.08). Second-degree polynomial multivariable analysis showed a continuous nonlinear relationship between albuminuria and events without thresholds. Considering the entire study population, even albuminuria at 1–2 μg/min was significantly associated with increased risk compared with albuminuria <1 μg/min (HR, 1.04; 95% CI, 1.02–1.07). This relationship was similar in the subgroup originally randomly assigned to non-ACEI therapy. Among those originally receiving ACEI therapy, however, the event rate was uniformly low and was not significantly associated with albuminuria. Taken together, among normoalbuminuric patients with type 2 diabetes, any degree of measurable albuminuria bears significant cardiovascular risk. The association with risk is continuous but is lost with early ACEI therapy.


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  近日,卫生部北京医院内分泌科的郭立新、马靖、程洋等人共同发表论文,旨在应用主成分分析法(principal component analysis,PCA)分析老年2型糖尿病患者并发冠心病的主要危险因素。研究指出,尿白蛋白排泄率(UAER)是老年2型糖尿病患者并发冠心病最主要的危险因素,伴微量白蛋白尿的老年2型糖尿病患者冠心病患病风险增加,且严重程度增加;UAER与老年2型糖

Diabetes Res Clin Pract:台北双和医院林俊佃等发现**时相胰岛素分泌是2型糖尿病的触发因素

为了评估在中国人群中,胰岛素敏感性(S1)以及第一(1st ISEC)和第二时相胰岛素分泌(2nd ISEC)在2型糖尿病发展中的相对重要性,来自台湾台北医学大学医学院双和医院的林俊佃教授及其团队进行了一项研究(Beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity at various degrees of glucose tolerance in Chinese