Am J Epidemiol:用体质指数判定癌症风险或需重新思考
2013-05-06 T.Shen 生物谷
近日,刊登在国际杂志American Journal of Epidemiology上的一项研究报告中,来自叶史瓦大学的研究者报告说,常见的用来衡量是否肥胖的体质指数(BMI)并不是估计疾病发病风险的最好判断依据,尤其是判断特定癌症的发病风险。 BMI是通过将个人的体重和身高分开进行计算的,或者是W/H2,而且BMI已经被广泛在大型的研究中用于分析个体的体重质量指数。BMI介于18.5和24.9
近日,刊登在国际杂志American Journal of Epidemiology上的一项研究报告中,来自叶史瓦大学的研究者报告说,常见的用来衡量是否肥胖的体质指数(BMI)并不是估计疾病发病风险的最好判断依据,尤其是判断特定癌症的发病风险。
编译自:Rethinking Body Mass Index (BMI) for Assessing Cancer Risk
Scaling of Weight for Height in Relation to Risk of Cancer at Different Sites in a Cohort of Canadian Women
Geoffrey C. Kabat*, Moonseong Heo, Anthony B. Miller and Thomas E. Rohan
Many studies have examined the associations of body mass index (weight (kg)/height (m)2) with risk of various cancers. However, optimal scaling of weight for height may depend on the population studied. The authors used data from a large cohort study of women (Canadian National Breast Cancer Screening Study, 1980–2000; n = 89,835) to examine how the scaling of weight for height (W/Hx) influenced the association with risk of 19 different cancers. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate the hazard ratio for each cancer site with W/Hx, with x increasing from 0 to 3.0 by increments of 0.1. The correlation between weight and W/Hx decreased monotonically with increasing x, whereas W/Hx was minimally correlated with height when x = 1.4. W/Hx showed significant positive associations with postmenopausal breast cancer, endometrial cancer, kidney cancer, and lung cancer in never smokers. W/Hx was inversely associated with lung cancer in ever smokers. The value of x for which W/Hx produced the largest statistically significant hazard ratio ranged from 0.8 (endometrial cancer) to 1.7 (postmenopausal breast cancer). For lung cancer in ever smokers, the inverse association was statistically significant for all values of x. These findings suggest that the scaling of weight for height may vary depending on the cancer site and that optimal scaling may be considerably different from W/H2 or, alternatively, that a range of scaling should be considered when examining the association of body weight with risk of disease.