
2014-06-23 佚名 生物谷




英文原文:Zacras® Combination Tablets LD and Zacras® Combination Tablets HD, Fixed-Dose Combination of Azilsartan and Amlodipine, and Azilva® Tablets 10mg, Treatment for Hypertension, are Now Available in Japan

Osaka, Japan, June 18, 2014—Takeda Pharmaceutical announced that it has launched Zacras combination tablets, a fixed-dose combination (FDC) of azilsartan and amlodipine besylate hydrochloride, and Azilva tablets 10mg (azilsartan) for the treatment of hypertension in Japan.

Zacras is a once-daily, oral tablet in two strengths: Zacras Combination Tablets LD (20mg azilsartan / 2.5mg amlodipine) and Zacras Combination Tablets HD (20mg azilsartan / 5mg). Avilza 10 mg tablets adds another dosage strength to the already available Azilva 20 mg and 40 mg. Azilsartan is a angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) that works to lower blood pressure by blocking the vasopressor hormone angiotensin II. Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker with a hypotensive action that inhibits inward calcium ion channels in the vascular smooth-muscle cells. This results in peripheral arteriolar vasodilation.

The company reports that in a Phase III clinical trial, Zacras’ anti-hypertensive effect in diastolic blood pressure was statistically significant versus monotherapy with either azilsartan or amlodipine. The Japanese Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension (JSH2014), issued by the Japanese Society of Hypertension, recommends the ARB-CCB combination treatment for hypertension based on safety and efficacy. Takeda points out that the simpler prescription of fixed dose combination also leads to improved blood pressure control. NHI prices of the FDC drugs are also comparatively lower than the sum of two individual drugs.

Masato Iwasaki, Director and Senior Vice President, Pharmaceutical Marketing Division of Takeda, said, “The Japanese Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension (JSH2014) report that there are approximately 43 million hypertensive patients in Japan, and of all individuals on anti-hypertensive medication, only approximately 30% of men and 40% of women have achieved their target blood pressure 2 levels. We believe that Zacras, having strong and persistent hypotensive effects, may offer a new… optimal treatment option that fit the clinical conditions of individual patients.”


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1 高血压面临的挑战: 1.1 高血压领域的反常现象:     降压药(23类104种)越来越多,高血压患病率越来越高,顽固性高血压越来越多。中国高血压患病率可见一斑。 1.2 降压药创新,半个世纪裹步不前? 没有重大理论突破。Chobanian 在新英格兰在职撰文分析止步不前的原因有3个:(1)心血管药物行业存在行业性创新不足(An industrywide d


女性在其一生中经历月经、妊娠、生育、绝经等不同的生理环节,在这些环节中女性的血压都会产生一定的变化。高血压对女性与男性一样,都是一种最重要的心血管危险因素,都可以导致心脑血管事件。为了关注这样一种特殊性别群体的高血压患者的疾病进程,我们需要了解女性高血压的特征、机制及治疗,并提出相应管理策略. 1 女性高血压的特点 女性的血压受年龄、月经周期、生育及疾病过程和特殊药物等多方面影响,比男性高

OCC 2014:高血压中西药物治疗的关键性差异

原文标题:高血压治疗:西药治疗“一竿一鱼” 中药治疗“一网多鱼” 30日上午的东方心脏病学会议(东方会),来自中山大学的吴伟康教授作了《高血压中西药物治疗关键性差异》的报告。在报告中,吴教授指出高血压的危险因子有很多,其中包括肥胖,心理压力,吸烟,过度饮酒等,但是,原发性高血压一般都是由遗传和环境因素综合造成的。其首先引起的是功能的变化,最后导致结构的改变。 高血压的病例变化及演进过程一般可以


糖尿病和高血压都是与晚年认知障碍有关的常见危险因素。两种疾病都明确地与颅脑和其他器官缺血性损伤有关,而且,有证据表明这两种疾病还与阿尔茨海默病病理和影像改变(例如脑萎缩)有关。然而,糖尿病和高血压引起脑损伤的机制仍有争议。 【原文下载】  为此,来自美国亚利桑那州梅奥诊所内分泌科的Rosebud O. Roberts教授及其团队进行了一项研究,在一个基于非痴呆人群的队列中,探

Lancet Neurol:急性脑出血后血压波动或影响预后



本文为JAMA Revisited栏目选取的1930年由Soma Weiss撰写的一篇文章,从中我们或可得到一些高血压治疗方面的启发。【原文下载】外周血管系统功能和结构异常,而非血压升高程度,才是“顽固性动脉性高血压”的显著特征。由于收缩压和舒张压易于测量,而评估和测量外周血管阻力的临床和实验室方法匮乏,导致血压高度成为了反应阻力的指数。血压升高和血管阻力增加往往互换使用,尽管两者之间不总是存在定