
2013-07-27 Nature Nature

丙肝病毒 (HCV) 是肝病和肝癌的一个主要病因。由于没有保护性疫苗,也由于治疗方案仍然有限,寻找新的治疗目标便显得很重要。James Chou及其同事在这篇论文中报告了低聚丙肝病毒“viroporin p7”的结构,是通过NMR谱获得的。该蛋白能自组成一个可传导阳离子的通道复合物。该通道六聚物的一个高分辨率视图显示了新颖的漏斗状通道结构,而功能研究则识别出了对通道活性重要的残体。 英文摘要:

丙肝病毒 (HCV) 是肝病和肝癌的一个主要病因。由于没有保护性疫苗,也由于治疗方案仍然有限,寻找新的治疗目标便显得很重要。James Chou及其同事在这篇论文中报告了低聚丙肝病毒“viroporin p7”的结构,是通过NMR谱获得的。该蛋白能自组成一个可传导阳离子的通道复合物。该通道六聚物的一个高分辨率视图显示了新颖的漏斗状通道结构,而功能研究则识别出了对通道活性重要的残体。


Nature    doi:10.1038/nature12283

Unusual architecture of the p7 channel from hepatitis C virus

Bo OuYang,Shiqi Xie,Marcelo J. Berardi,Xinhao Zhao, Jyoti Dev, Wenjing Yu,Bing Sun  & James J. Chou

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) has developed a small membrane protein, p7, which remarkably can self-assemble into a large channel complex that selectively conducts cations. We wanted to examine the structural solution that the viroporin adopts in order to achieve selective cation conduction, because p7 has no homology with any of the known prokaryotic or eukaryotic channel proteins. The activity of p7 can be inhibited by amantadine and rimantadine, which are potent blockers of the influenza M2 channel and licensed drugs against influenza infections. The adamantane derivatives have been used in HCV clinical trials, but large variation in drug efficacy among the various HCV genotypes has been difficult to explain without detailed molecular structures. Here we determine the structures of this HCV viroporin as well as its drug-binding site using the latest nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technologies. The structure exhibits an unusual mode of hexameric assembly, where the individual p7 monomers, i, not only interact with their immediate neighbours, but also reach farther to associate with the i+2 and i+3 monomers, forming a sophisticated, funnel-like architecture. The structure also points to a mechanism of cation selection: an asparagine/histidine ring that constricts the narrow end of the funnel serves as a broad cation selectivity filter, whereas an arginine/lysine ring that defines the wide end of the funnel may selectively allow cation diffusion into the channel. Our functional investigation using whole-cell channel recording shows that these residues are critical for channel activity. NMR measurements of the channel–drug complex revealed six equivalent hydrophobic pockets between the peripheral and pore-forming helices to which amantadine or rimantadine binds, and compound binding specifically to this position may allosterically inhibit cation conduction by preventing the channel from opening. Our data provide a molecular explanation for p7-mediated cation conductance and its inhibition by adamantane derivatives.



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DDW 2013:NAFLD患者死亡危险因素仍然不明



       丙型肝炎是由HCV 感染而导致的一种传播途径明确、起病隐匿、慢性化程度高的疾病。HCV 感染呈全球性流行状态,是导致肝硬化和肝癌的最主要病因。最近世界卫生组织公布的数据表明,HCV 全球流行率为3% ,大约有1.7 亿人感染HCV 。而每年新发病例约3.5 万。   HCV 的感染率在不同国家、地区之间存在较大差异。世界范围内以埃及的流行


贫血是丙型肝炎三联疗法——特拉匹韦(TVR)联合聚乙二醇干扰素(PEG-IFN)α和利巴韦林(RBV)的常见副作用之一。相比于单独使用PEG-IFNα和RBV,联用TVR的贫血发生率更高。因此,来自日本九州大学医院的Jun Hayashi教授(MD,PhD)等人展开一项研究,研究结果在线发表于2013年5月28日的Journal of Hepatology(《肝脏病学杂志》)上。作者发现,慢性丙型


慢性丙型肝炎既是一种病毒性感染疾病,也是一种肝纤维化疾病。对于实现持续病毒学应答(SVR)且伴有肝纤维化患者,仍存在发生并发症的可能。由于无法反复对患者进行肝活检,因此,还没有相应的研究对慢性丙型肝炎治疗前后肝纤维化的动力学特征进行评估。Fibrotest已被确证是表征肝纤维化进展和消退的生物标志物,具有与肝活检相当的预测价值。 基于上述情况,来自法国巴黎肝脏中心的Thierry Poynard

J HEPATOL:多学科支持计划提高慢性丙肝患者依从性及抗病毒治疗有效性

对于慢性丙型肝炎(CHC)患者来说,坚持抗病毒治疗对于获得持续病毒学应答(SVR)是非常重要的。因此,来自西班牙Hospital del Mar医院肠胃病学部门的José A. Carrión博士及其同事展开一项研究,旨在评估了一项多学科支持计划(MSP)对于提高CHC病患依从性和增加聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a和利巴韦林治疗有效性的作用,该计划以已发表的HIV治疗经验为依据。该研究结果在线发表于201


  2013年6月20日,美国食品与药物管理局(FDA)批准了可检测到患者携带的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)基因型的试剂盒(Abbott RealTime HCV Genotype II)上市,该试剂盒可对感染者的血清或血浆标本鉴别出基因型1、1a、1b、2、3、4和5。 该检测方法获准用于已知的HCV慢性感染者的鉴别诊断,而不用于血液遗传物质、血制品或组织供者的