
2012-03-31 Beyond 生物谷

瑞典哥德堡大学Sahlgrenska学院研究人员发现了肠道细菌影响血管形成的一种以前未知的机制。相关结果发表在《自然》杂志上,研究结果可能为未来肠道疾病和肥胖的治疗提供新思路。 我们的肠道细菌数量是人体细胞数量的十倍以上。然而,我们很少知道肠道菌群的功能以及这些菌群对我们生理上产生什么样的影响。 以前未知的机制 在小鼠动物模型的研究中,研究人员发现了肠道菌群如何影响肠道生理和血管重塑的以







研究员Fredrik Bckhed说:“我们的研究已经弄清楚正常肠道菌群发出的信号是如何让引发小肠中血管形成的”。简单来说,肠道细菌促进肠道粘膜细胞能接触到糖分子、特定的蛋白质。糖分子的作用就像邮编能移动到细胞表面,进而诱导信号传导。


Tissue factor and PAR1 promote microbiota-induced intestinal vascular remodelling.

Christoph Reinhardt, Mattias Bergentall, Thomas U. Greiner, Florence Schaffner, Gunnel ?stergren-Lundén, Lars C. Petersen, Wolfram Ruf, Fredrik Bckhed.

The gut microbiota is a complex ecosystem that has coevolved with host physiology. Colonization of germ-free (GF) mice with a microbiota promotes increased vessel density in the small intestine1, but little is known about the mechanisms involved. Tissue factor (TF) is the membrane receptor that initiates the extrinsic coagulation pathway2, and it promotes developmental and tumour angiogenesis3, 4. Here we show that the gut microbiota promotes TF glycosylation associated with localization of TF on the cell surface, the activation of coagulation proteases, and phosphorylation of the TF cytoplasmic domain in the small intestine. Anti-TF treatment of colonized GF mice decreased microbiota-induced vascular remodelling and expression of the proangiogenic factor angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) in the small intestine. Mice with a genetic deletion of the TF cytoplasmic domain or with hypomorphic TF (F3) alleles had a decreased intestinal vessel density. Coagulation proteases downstream of TF activate protease-activated receptor (PAR) signalling implicated in angiogenesis5. Vessel density and phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of TF were decreased in small intestine from PAR1-deficient (F2r-/-) but not PAR2-deficient (F2rl1-/-) mice, and inhibition of thrombin showed that thrombin–PAR1 signalling was upstream of TF phosphorylation. Thus, the microbiota-induced extravascular TF–PAR1 signalling loop is a novel pathway that may be modulated to influence vascular remodelling in the small intestine.

