阿斯利康$12.6亿痛风药物lesinurad III期项目成功

2014-08-14 佚名 生物谷

阿斯利康(AZN)8月13日公布了实验性药物lesinurad 3个关键III期临床试验(CLEAR1,CLEAR2,CRYSTAL)的积极顶线数据。这些研究调查了含lesinurad组合疗法用于痛风(gout)的治疗。lesinurad是一种选择性尿酸再吸收抑制剂(SURI),能够抑制URAT1转运体,增加尿酸排泄,从而降低血尿酸(sUA)。 近年来,阿斯利康可谓命运多舛,而lesi

阿斯利康(AZN)8月13日公布了实验性药物lesinurad 3个关键III期临床试验(CLEAR1,CLEAR2,CRYSTAL)的积极顶线数据。这些研究调查了含lesinurad组合疗法用于痛风(gout)的治疗。lesinurad是一种选择性尿酸再吸收抑制剂(SURI),能够抑制URAT1转运体,增加尿酸排泄,从而降低血尿酸(sUA)。

近年来,阿斯利康可谓命运多舛,而lesinurad III期项目的成功,为该药的获批提供了保障,同时也有望为阿斯利康带来重磅销售额。lesinurad由阿斯利康于2012年耗资12.6亿美元收购Ardea公司获得。阿斯利康也对lesinurad寄予了厚望,期望该药能帮助公司在不断增长的全球痛风市场中攫取更大的市场份额。武田(Takeda)和易普森(Ipsen)的痛风药物非布索坦(febuxostat)于5年前获批,但并不适用于所有痛风患者。


CLEAR1和CLEAR2研究中,200mg剂量和400mg剂量lesinurad + 别嘌呤醇组合疗法均达到了研究的主要终点,在治疗的6个月时,与别嘌呤醇单药治疗组相比,2个联合治疗组有显著更高比例的患者实现sUA<6.0mg/dL的目标,数据具有统计学显著差异(p<0.0001)。



英文原文:AstraZeneca announces top-line results from the Phase III programme of lesinurad in combination with xanthine oxidase inhibitors in gout patients

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

AstraZeneca today announced positive top-line results from CLEAR1, CLEAR2 and CRYSTAL, the pivotal Phase III clinical trials investigating the potential of lesinurad, a selective uric acid re-absorption inhibitor (SURI), as a combination therapy for the treatment of patients with symptomatic gout. Lesinurad is an investigational agent that inhibits the URAT1 transporter, increasing uric acid excretion and thereby lowering serum uric acid (sUA).

CLEAR1 and CLEAR2 studied lesinurad (200mg and 400mg once daily) in combination with the xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitor allopurinol, in symptomatic gout patients not achieving target sUA levels on their current allopurinol dose. CRYSTAL studied lesinurad (200mg and 400mg once daily) in combination with the XO inhibitor febuxostat (80mg once daily) in gout patients with tophi (visible nodules of uric acid crystals that are deposited in joints and skin).

In the CLEAR1 and CLEAR2 trials, both lesinurad 200mg and 400mg in combination with allopurinol met the primary endpoint, with a statistically significant higher proportion of patients reaching the target sUA goal of <6.0mg/dL at month 6 compared to allopurinol alone (p<0.0001).

In the CRYSTAL trial, lesinurad 400mg in combination with febuxostat met the primary endpoint, with a statistically significant higher proportion of patients reaching the target sUA goal of <5.0mg/dL at month 6 compared to febuxostat alone (p<0.0001). Although lesinurad 200mg did not achieve statistical significance at month 6 (p=0.13), this dose in combination with febuxostat, was superior to placebo plus febuxostat at all other time points (measured at months 1 to 5, 8, 10 and 12; nominal p<0.05).

The three most commonly reported adverse events across the CLEAR1 and CLEAR2 trials for patients receiving lesinurad in combination with allopurinol were upper respiratory tract infection, nasopharyngitis and back pain. In CRYSTAL, the three most commonly reported adverse events for patients receiving lesinurad in combination with febuxostat were nasopharyngitis, arthralgia and upper respiratory tract infection.

The incidence of renal-related adverse events (including serious events) and incidence of kidney stones with lesinurad 200mg plus XO inhibitor was comparable to placebo plus XO inhibitor. The incidence of renal-related adverse events and kidney stones was higher with lesinurad 400mg plus XO inhibitor. A full assessment of the safety and tolerability findings of all three studies is ongoing.

“Gout is a serious, chronic and debilitating inflammatory disease. There is a significant unmet need, with 40 to 70 percent of gout patients not reaching target levels of serum uric acid with the current standard of care,” said Briggs Morrison, Executive Vice President, Global Medicines Development and Chief Medical Officer. “We are encouraged by our initial review of the top-line results from the CLEAR1, CLEAR2 and CRYSTAL studies which provide important new information on the efficacy and safety of lesinurad in combination with febuxostat and allopurinol. These data indicate that combination therapy with lesinurad may be a potential treatment option for gout patients.”

CLEAR1, CLEAR2 and CRYSTAL were conducted by Ardea Biosciences, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AstraZeneca. Results from these Phase III clinical trials will be submitted to a scientific meeting later in 2014. The company is proceeding with preparation of regulatory submissions for lesinurad (200mg) combination therapy.


About the Design of the Studies

CLEAR1 and CLEAR2 (Combining Lesinurad with Allopurinol in Inadequate Responders) were 12-month (US and global, respectively) multicenter, randomised, placebo-controlled studies (n=603 and n=610, respectively) comparing the efficacy and safety of lesinurad (200mg and 400mg once daily) when added to the patient’s current stable medically-appropriate dose of allopurinol (at least 300mg daily, and at least 200mg daily for those with moderate renal impairment) compared to placebo plus allopurinol. Patients entering CLEAR1 and CLEAR2 had multiple sUA levels above target and had also reported at least two gout flares in the 12 months prior to randomisation.

CRYSTAL (Combination Treatment Study in Subjects with Tophaceous Gout with Lesinurad and Febuxostat) was a 12-month global multicenter, randomised, placebo-controlled study (n=324) comparing the efficacy and safety of lesinurad (200mg and 400mg once daily) in combination with febuxostat (80mg) compared to febuxostat (80mg) plus placebo in gout patients with tophi and sUA levels above target. In the CRYSTAL study all patients were started on febuxostat three weeks prior to the initiation of the randomised study medication (with either placebo or lesinurad).

Patients who completed the randomised pivotal Phase III clinical studies had the option to enroll in two on-going open-label, uncontrolled extension studies to continue to evaluate the safety and efficacy of combination therapy with lesinurad 200mg and 400mg with XO inhibitors.

About Gout

Gout is a serious, chronic and debilitating inflammatory arthritis. There were 15.3 million diagnosed cases of chronic gout in major markets in 2013 and this is forecast to grow to 17.7 million by 2021. Gout is caused by a metabolic disorder, hyperuricemia (elevated sUA) which leads to the deposition of crystals in musculoskeletal structures including joints, in the kidneys, and in other tissues.

The goal of all urate lowering treatments is to reduce sUA levels to the recommended targets. International treatment guidelines from the American College of Rheumatology, European League Against Rheumatism and the British Society for Rheumatology recommend achieving an sUA target at a minimum of < 6 mg/dL in all gout patients and often to < 5 mg/dL in gout patients with greater disease severity and urate burden, such as those with tophi.

About Ardea Biosciences

Ardea Biosciences, Inc. was acquired by AstraZeneca in June 2012. It is located in San Diego, California and is a wholly owned subsidiary of AstraZeneca PLC. Ardea is developing a portfolio of molecules for the treatment of gout, including lesinurad and RDEA3170.

About AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialisation of prescription medicines, primarily for the treatment of cardiovascular, metabolic, respiratory, inflammation, autoimmune, oncology, infection and neuroscience diseases. AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries and its innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. For more information please visit: www.astrazeneca.com


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Sci Rep :一个基因变异会增加痛风风险

日本一项最新研究说,确认一个名为“ABCG2”的基因与痛风有关,它如果变异会导致肾脏处理尿酸的功能异常,从而增加患上“高尿酸血症”的风险,而高尿酸血症经常是痛风的前奏。 痛风是一种因代谢异常使尿酸累积而引起的疾病。日本防卫医科大学和名古屋大学等机构研究人员20日在英国《科学报告》杂志上发表论文说,通过分析644名高尿酸血症患者和1623名尿酸值正常者的情况,发现基因ABCG2是否变异与患病风险有


痛风是一种典型的代谢异常性疾病,患者表现出尿酸生成过度或排泄不良,最终导致了高尿酸血症。长期高尿酸血症引起了尿酸盐晶体在关节腔及软组织中的沉积,最终导致了痛风性关节炎的发作或痛风石的产生。纵观医学史,急性痛风性关节炎的痛感,是被认知的最剧烈的疼痛之一。所以尽早诊断痛风、正确治疗痛风显得尤为重要。 为比较双能CT(DECT)与超声(US)在痛风性关节炎诊断中的差异,并分


痛风已成为炎性关节炎中最常见的疾病,也是风湿病领域中为数较少的发病机制比较明确并有相应治疗药物的疾病,甚至有学者认为痛风是一个可“治愈”的疾病。 通过降尿酸治疗等措施长期维持血尿酸在60 mg/L以下可使痛风不再发作,已沉积的尿酸盐晶体(MSU)及痛风石溶解并不再沉积,即达到“治愈”。然而临床实际中,痛风的控制情况并不理想,其中一个重要的原因就是降尿酸治疗的不规范。 近年各国风湿病学会相继


痛风是最常见的炎性关节病之一,在西方男性中的患病率高达1%~2%。痛风是由于尿酸盐晶体在关节和其他组织中沉积所致,是导致患者残疾和生活质量下降的重要疾病。 使血尿酸水平降低、尿酸盐晶体溶解、减少急性痛风的发作以及最终治愈疾病是痛风治疗的重要目标。尽管关于痛风诊疗有过几个版本的指南和推荐,但均不尽完善。 近年来治疗痛风新药物的问世、目标治疗的理念以及新技术的应用使痛风的诊断和治疗有了很大发展。因


痛风发作会在人体关节部位引发炎症和剧烈疼痛,但过了一段时间后,炎症通常会自动减弱,疼痛感也逐渐消失。这为何会发生?德国研究人员发现,原因在于一种人体免疫细胞的“自杀式攻击”。 痛风的病因是体内嘌呤物质新陈代谢紊乱,导致尿酸合成增加、排出减少,造成高尿酸血症。血液中尿酸浓度过高时,尿酸会以微小的钠盐结晶(俗称痛风石)形式析出,积累在关节、软骨和肾脏中,引发炎症。 德国埃尔朗根大学近日发表研究公报

